Let's Talk: Living in Powys
Residents have an opportunity to share their views on living in Powys to help shape future planning and service delivery, the county council has said.
10/23/20241 min read

Residents have an opportunity to share their views on living in Powys to help shape future planning and service delivery, the county council has said.
The survey called “Let’s Talk: Living in Powys” is an opportunity for residents to share their opinions on life in the county and their experiences of using Council services.
By responding to this survey, you will help the Council to better understand:
What is important to you
Your experience of your local area
How you view and interact with the Council
Cllr James Gibson-Watt, Leader and Cabinet Member for an Open and Transparent Powys, explained, “Your views can help shape your local area and your local services. The questions being asked are also being asked in many other local councils across Wales.
“It is important to hear from as many residents as possible. Please encourage your family, friends, and neighbours to complete this survey.”
Complete the survey online here: https://surveys.data.cymru/s/524ArolwgPreswylwyr_ResidentSurvey/
Please respond by Friday 13 December 2024.
For more information and to access downloadable print and Easy Read copies of the survey, please visit: https://www.haveyoursaypowys.wales/powys-survey
If you would like any further information, or have any difficulty completing the online survey, please email surveys@data.cymru or call 029 2090 9500.
Data Cymru is running this survey on behalf of Powys County Council.
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