Applications for Eden Project Introduction to Community Action course
Do you want to improve your community in some small way, or do you have an idea to spark positive change but need help taking the first or next step?
8/19/20241 min read
Applications for Eden Project Introduction to Community Action course now open!
Do you want to improve your community in some small way, or do you have an idea to spark positive change but need help taking the first or next step? The Eden Projects’ Introduction to Community Action course could be perfect for you. Starting on 18 September, the course is jam-packed with workshops, inspirational talks, networking and fun. It’s fully funded and designed for people who want to create positive change - in a voluntary rather than paid capacity. Sound like you? Places are in high demand, so apply now!
Find out more and apply ►
Ceisiadau ar gyfer Cwrs Cyflwyniad i Weithredu Cymunedol yr Eden Project nawr ar agor!
Ydych chi eisiau gwella'ch cymuned mewn rhyw ffordd fach, neu a oes gennych chi syniad i ysgogi newid cadarnhaol ond angen help i gymryd y cam cyntaf neu'r cam nesaf? Gallai Cwrs Cyflwyniad i Weithredu Cymunedol yr Eden Project fod yn berffaith i chi. Gan ddechrau ar 18 Medi, mae’r cwrs yn orlawn o weithdai, sgyrsiau ysbrydoledig, rhwydweithio a hwyl.
Mae wedi’i ariannu’n llawn ac wedi’i gynllunio ar gyfer pobl sydd am greu newid cadarnhaol - mewn ffordd wirfoddol yn hytrach na chyflogedig. Swnio fel ti? Mae galw mawr am leoedd, felly gwnewch gais nawr!
Darganfyddwch mwy a gwnewch gais ►
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